Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Man has been working for the society since history from the preindustrial society to the post industrialization society man has played an important role. In the pre industrial society man lived lives like hunters and gatherers they used to eat raw meat with skin on it then the religion and sacrifice started this era was known as paleothic or the stone age this started in 60000BC. After that the agricultural society came it was known and neolithic [new stoneage] this was in 10000BC it was modified from paleolithic to neolithic they soed seeds and got food from it, used to live near the river they dug canalsand started to make villages with leaves. They used dogs with the cattle and horses,this is how barter system started to come up. They made boats with trees also started the art of fishing they understood nature in other words they got aware about nature. The pastorial society came after the neolithic society it was based on domestic animals. The other society after pastorial society was the horticulture society in 10000-12000BC it was baes on domesticated plants they used to search plants for cultivation. The social structure was small in groups, with few status and roles it was very few institutions, the social groups are such groups who emphasize on different issues mostly primary and personal and intimate. The division of labout was very little except on the grounds of age and sex.
Then came the industrial society in 1700AD it brought a scientific revolution, before that man started to descend but after the revolution took place. Martin Luther made protestants in the era then Renissance came they were artistic,literarly, poetic. Man used to work earn and then get a reward for his achievement, it was because he needed the ease of life while working man forgot his emotions and his way of thinking changed it. Now people are more materialistic and are in the race of getting the things. The social structure of the time was very complex it had many roles and statuses also many institutions developed which achieved an escribed status. The division of labour was that an expert can only work but no one can replace him if one is not enough skillful, the social control was given in the hands of the law enforcing agencies. It consist of a mixed culture and the norms and values vary balanced and un balanced, on the other hand machines has made man a slave and man had become more machine orientiated the social change is very rapid due to the media and technology.
On the other hand the post industrialization has made man a king of its own it is from the 21st century to present thus man will have his own values thoughts and will, this will conflict with the others views and thus destruction will take place, the institutions will regulate a specific norms and values for a certian itme period and remain attach to it for a longer period of time.

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