Thursday, January 8, 2009

John Kundert-Gibbs [3d Artist]

I first met John Kundert-Gibbs on the floor of a trade show in 1999. He was the Maya instructor at the University of North Carolina at Asheville, and I was coordinating AliasWavefront's academic programs. He was filled with enthusiasm for our product and was even more excited about sharing his knowledge with his students. John wanted to teach the world to animate, and he wanted to do it with Maya.
Fast forward a few years, and you'll find John at Clemson University, still as devoted to his mission of sharing the power of Maya with his students. John has also brought his knowledge and his passion to writing several successful Maya books. Peter Lee shares John's enthusiasms, and their partnership has resulted in Maya 4.5 Savvy, the evolution of their combined experience as teachers, Maya users, and editors. The result is a book that is both technical and accessible to the artist.
There is one thing you should know before you go further: 3D animation is addictive. Peter, John, and I have all witnessed the effects of Maya on the user: late nights at the computer; obsession over minute details; red eyes; and the introduction into your day-to-day speech of a vocabulary that many of your friends and family will not understand. You've started a learning process that you may not want to stop, so be forewarned. I'm confident, though, that you are in good hands.

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