Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Impact of Art on Culture

Human beings are one of the best creatures of ALLAH and not born with rigid and complex behaviour patterns which force them to survival in specific habitats. Humans learn and invent cultural means of adapting to environment from cold rigid zones to humid equatorial regions.
A person who participates in society is cultured. Culture consists of all the shared products of human society. A society cannot exist without culture and culture cannot exist without a society to maintain it.
Among the most striking of human endeavours are the arts- unique, skilled and creative cultural products intended to inspire or entertain depending on culture in which they are produced. The arts can take uncountable forms beginning from jazz and tribal dance to vampire movies or disco light shows.
Art, which is classified as high culture- classical, music, ballet, sculpture masterpiece paintings while other art is part of popular culture- country music, break dancing, romance paperbacks and TV sitcoms.
The fundamental insight of the sociology of art and culture, concerns the society in which it is produced. Religious societies produce predominantly religious art; traditionalist societies produce many traditional art; diverse societies produce diverse art. Over a period of time art has flourished best in places that offered the favourable conditions of peace, prosperity and above intellectual freedom.
Societies that try to repress or control the artist like Nazi Germany produce work that is generally uncreative and therefore dreary and banal. Even so there are some artists in every society who work in reactions to the prevailing norms.
The creation of art thus requires much more than a talented individual. What an artiest does depends upon the technology available to them. Thus artistic success depends not only on what the artist produces but also on what the audience of the time and place in question is willing to accept.
Thus the affect on the Indian movies is clearly visible in the culture of the subcontinent. We see a clear difference between the two neighbouring countries Pakistan and India and people residing there.

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