Thursday, January 13, 2011

What is Human Nature?

Human nature is made up the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors which make a person unique; Personality arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life. Human nature varies person to person in both male and female, personality plays a vital role in human nature the triads like emotion thoughts feelings etc all play an imperative role.
These characteristics may vary person to person or in other words we can put it in a way that the person lacks the element of happiness, smile etc.  to understand his/her nature. Human nature is such a thing that can change within a second to understand it in a better and detailed way we can look at the example below.
Suppose there is a meeting going on within the office and there the clients are being briefed about a certain topic as different people present their part of the presentation the client’s attitude changes  by their questions in between to the presenter making the presenter and the team confused, more like creating a barrier in between effective communication. This might be against your nature in such a way that you might not like or accept this attitude by the client’s pin pointing while the presentation is being presented. This act might arise ager within you and you might point out to one of the client sitting either to wait for the presentation to end or either raises his hand if he/she has some query on which immediate action is needed. Or to cut it in a very rude manner while surely depict that the personality or the nature of the person lacks courtesy or etiquettes on how to handle situations ethically.
It is basically a lot of things which reflect human nature, it can be the way a person meets talk,  share ideas, handle or tackles situations or even leading a team with objectives and goals so a person should show that he/she has to have all triads present in his/her nature to avoid the unseen.
In this world people deceive us by their human nature by showing false personality and not being their own self but following others footsteps which they think are right and try to impose their way of things as they perceive which causes the other person to suffer and thus his thoughts ideas go in his subconscious this way motivation is needed and personality comes to a halt. Life seems to treat us in many different ways in which we are tested upon our personality in which our distinctive nature is made to tackle them effectively.
Let’s take the example of the James Lange Theory  this theory can be applied anywhere as it caters to human nature, to understand this theory let’s suppose a person is walking in the street and suddenly a dog appears in front of him since every person knows his/her fight mechanism he stops and focuses to the dog watching his next move, when the dog barks it is assured that it will or is going to attack sooner or later thus the autonomic arousal is in result fear and he then runs away to save his life.
It is clear that human nature plays a vital role in taking spontaneous decisions in different situations there is this flight and fight mechanism that is always working in the brain.
Let’s take another example of a school going child who has to do homework but since he is not allowed to play outside with his friends according to Freud this desire of playing outside will go into the subconscious of the child and in result his nature to finish his work would change into something different, which would bring up aggression, anger in his personality.
There is nothing in this world which does not possess nature it is basically GOD gifted and thus we find nature in every aspect of life. There is an old controversy of nature and nurture according to Plato Nature is something that is God gifted (Brain, Biology, Heritatery) there is the element of innateness present in it. On the other hand Nurture is something which is basically based on observation and experience it’s the social learning from others in other words to understand nurture we can say that its distinguished by society, learning and culture. The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest issues in psychology. The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development. Some philosophers such as Plato and Descartes suggested that certain things are inborn, or that they simply occur naturally regardless of environmental influences.
Human nature has a lot of influence from socialization, since we meet interact and share experiences one learns a lot from his/her social circle. It is in the nick of time we decide either to accept or reject a person from our personal understanding, since it’s the judgment of human nature that depicts the relation to take further or reject it to avoid personal issues in life. A very similar example is of our decision to make friends our enemies within different arguments, this decision is not done on the basis of human nature but it’s the ego which makes the person to act this way
In the end I’d like to conclude with my opinion that human nature is derived from personality and the better upbringing of the personality with a good moral and social value will make the his/her human nature stand out and thus will have a good social status and value among the peers and society